Wednesday, July 21, 2010

We Are Many

In the poem "We Are Many" by Pablo Neruda, it nailed me right on the button. This poem is about someone who wants to do more and wants to be more. He says how he is confused as to who he is because there is this person inside of him saying I want to be this great person and accomplish all these great things. I want to go here and go there, I want to read this and I want to read that, I want to experience life and do good to myself and others. But when it comes down to it he just sits there. "But when I call for a hero, out comes my lazy old self" he saying that he is hoping for the better person to come out but all that comes out is someone who stays in the same spot. I procrastinate and I quit things that I start all the time. You read these books and poems and you watch these movies wishing you could be more like that but all you do is sit on your but continuing to be your lazy self. In my head I tell myself I want to be more I want to say I've read that or I've been there or I've experienced that or learned this but when it comes down to it I sit on the couch and I put the television on. I hope that someday my life turns out the way he says at the end of the poem "I'm going to study hard that when I explain myself, I'll be talking geography."

Submitted by Sherry Marshall

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