Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sonny's Blues...A Timeless Story

Although it was written in 1975, "Sonny's Blues" is a story that could fit almost anywhere in time. This is why I enjoyed the story so much. When we look at Sonny and his brother's relationship, we realize that many people can relate. Two brothers that have dealt with the same struggles in their upbringing took two separate roads. One chooses to live "right"; The other turns to drugs. Many people have experienced a situation where they and a family member, or friend, come to a crossroads and lose each other for a while. However, James Baldwin allows us to see the light at the end of the tunnel, that although we may have a falling out with a loved one, we have the chance to rekindle a lost relationship, and gain understanding. I would definitely recommend this story to anyone under the sun. An adult of any age could enjoy this story!
Submitted by Danielle Wentworth

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