Thursday, July 22, 2010

To Build A Fire

I really enjoyed this short story by Jack London. There really wasn’t a whole lot going on here, but it didn’t matter. The way he described the scenery of the Yukon, it made me feel as if I was there with this man and his dog. Towards the end of the story you could really feel the sense of urgency coming over the man as he tried frantically to build the fire that could potentially save his life. In the end he fails. I felt bad for him because he had received some good advice from an old timer that was experienced with the brutal trail. He was told not to travel alone when the temperature was to reach fifty below zero. He did anyways and it cost him his life. The dog was smart enough to keep his distance from the man as he became frantic. He realized the danger that he posed. The dog was smart enough to “cut his loses” and ditch the guy and to head for camp where food and warmth could be found. I do plan on reading more from London and I would recommend him to anyone wanting a good read.

Submitted by Dan Barrila

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