Saturday, July 17, 2010

Metaphor by Sylvia Plath

I enjoyed the poem Metaphor by Sylvia Plath. We as a class discussed if she was upset about the pregnancy or just tired of being pregnant. While searching for a picture to add to this blog, I found out that Sylvia Plath was a very depressed mom. Sylvia had two children Frieda and Nicholas-born a year apart. When Nicholas was one year old, Sylvia had killed herself.

Knowing this information, I believe I now look at the poem in a whole different way. I understand now that she was depressed and wished she could have gotten off that train.

Submitted by Amy Farmer


  1. I enjoyed this poem also. When I first read it I did not know it was about pregnancy. I found this out when doing the discussion. It definitely made everything about the poem become crystal clear. After finding out how depressed Plath was, I, too, viewed the poem in a different manner. It helps to understand the last line of the poem, as you mentioned, about getting off the train.

  2. I liked this poem as well. I'm not sure that I'd go so far as to say that she ultimately disliked being a mother without more concrete evidence, but I will speculate that due to her chronic depression; she would have been more susceptible to postpartum depression and psychosis.
    MGH Website -page on Postpartum Depression
    How Long Does Postpartum Depression Last?
    If these links don't show up, it's the MGH website, and the Helim website.
