Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Glass Menagerie

I didn't really find myself liking this play. To me the whole family seemed to be trapped in their own worlds without having any recognition of the world around them. Even Tom who tries the hardest to escape it tends to lose himself in his movies, much as his mother does with the past and his sister does with her glass ornaments. I probably would recommend this to others as someone else may get a lot more out of it than I did. I'd also probably read something else from Tennessee Williams as I try not to judge a writer based on a single piece, especially when it's the only piece I've read from said writer. Perhaps he has something else written that I'd find more enjoyment in. Below is a link in which Katherine Hepburn portrays Amanda. The scene is after Jim leaves and has told everyone he is engaged. Amanda is arguing with Tom as she thinks he's intentionally played an intentional prank on them.

Submitted by Barry Erlandson


  1. I agree the family seems to be living but not a live. They are just there and have not meaning in their lives and the families lives. They are always caught up in their meaningless lives to not notice other peoples problems.

  2. I don't know if I would say their lives are meaningless. We are only getting Tom's version of events and don't have the opportunity to hear from Amanda and Laura. Maybe their input would change your opinion.
