Sunday, July 11, 2010

To Build A Fire

To Build a Fire was boring. It was not interesting, just depressing. It had a beautiful setting the snow and such, the story line is alright. But it did not click for me. I know its about him dying alone and struggling through life. But was not that good in my opinion.

I think other stories by Jack London might be good because he makes you see not just read the story. He had such potential to write a good story. Descriptive setting okay story line, but it seemed drawn out. Too long.

Submitted by Cynthia Jimenz

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the story wasn't that interesting. But I tried to look at it from a positive side, I tried to take something away from it. I looked at it as a story about how much we need each other in order to survive. In my opinion, the story would have been much different had someone else been with the guy in that freezing weather.
