Saturday, July 17, 2010

Recommend Williams and London

I enjoyed reading The Glass Menagerie and To Build a Fire. Again, i like reading short stories because they are rich in detail and easy to read. The fact that an author can shroud a theme or message in a 20 page story is amazing. It's not like directly saying in a sentence what you want to say, but creating a background, characters, a compelling story, and making it all believable is what draws me in. That requires a good amount of talent, and i would love to see a great writer's creative process. In the Glass Menagerie i liked the story's believable nature of familial problems, yet the focus was on Tom and we can sort of understand what he is going through and live in his shoes for a moment. In To Build a Fire, the barren, remote nature of the setting creates an amazing feeling for the readers. If you put yourselves in the shoes of the main character, you can see a man and his dog fighting the cold, frigid temperatures of the weather. It's a great story, if not a brief escape from wherever you are at that moment to somewhere distant, helpless, and beautiful at the same time. I would recommend both authors Jack London and Tennessee Williams, and both these stories.

Submitted by Adam Bumpus

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