Friday, July 16, 2010

Sonny's Blues...A&P

I enjoyed reading Sonny's Blue's and the A&P. I like reading short stories because you don't have to read an entire book, but you can still read a great story. I liked Sonny's Blues because it was an atypical story, one many people can relate to, about struggle and finding one's place in the world. It was the same thing with A&P, i feel like the theme of identity was hovering over both these stories. That is a very powerful theme, one that should be interesting to everybody because it reaches so far and wide. I would recommend either to anybody to read at least once. I will probably never read them again, but the deed is done and i feel i understand it. If you haven't read it once and pondered about it, then you are missing out. Sonny's blues is an amazing story, reading it now and having a good background of Harlem in the 1960s, it's like a window to that time. If you are interested in learning about African American history and literature, Sonny's Blues is a must. It's ironic that A&P reads like such a vanilla story, but it has some powerful themes interwoven throughout it. That's something i enjoy about literature, you can convey something, not in a socialist propoganda way, but in a thought or question to ponder way. With the advent of computers and technology, it seems that literature is a dying breed, but man will never be perfect, and until then we can question things or look at them in a different light, and storytelling is the best way to do this. You can pose a scenario and ponder the consequences, you can write your dreams on paper, and anything in between.

Submitted by Adam Bumpus

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