Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Edgar Allan Poe Insane, Genius, or both?

Edgar Allan Poe is without a doubt one of the greatest poets of all time. Poe is known for his very dark style of poetry. After reading through many of his poems I soon realized that a large amount of them have to deal with death, more specifically, the death of beautiful women. Poe had a very difficult childhood which could have some part of the subject matter of his poems. He lost his mother at his early age, and then lost his wife at a young age. This leads me to believe that his obsession of death stemmed from losing many people that he loved throughout life. I guess people can form their own opinions about Poe, Personally I think the guy was completely nuts, but he was also my favorite poet and I don't think anyone can compare. So, I will leave you with this, one of my favorite actors reading my favorite poem. Creepy stuff.

Submitted by Gregory Yeo

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