Saturday, July 17, 2010

To Build A Fire

This story in my opinion was boring, long, and drawn out. However I found myself entranced by it. I couldn't stop reading it and just skip to the end to find out what happens. Instead I found myself looking for a deeper meaning behind it and feel like I found one. One thing this class has taught me is to not take things at face value and look into things deeper.

The man spends his time alone battling the whether which is 75 degrees below zero. He must watch out for snow patches which are actually covering deadly water, he must be perfect with all of his movements because any mistake could kill him. He was foolish for going by himself and trying to make such a terrifying journey without anyone to help or support him if something went wrong.

How many people foolishly make this same mistake? They arrogantly and blindly rush head first by themselves to tackle something that would easily be better accomplished with a group. Men especially have an extremely difficult time asking for help and would rather attempt something by themselves and fail than feel emasculated by asking for help. What kind of a false philosophy is this, and when will people mature past the point of arrogance?

Submitted by Andrew Berard

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