Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fun With Poetry

Poetry is something that everyone can enjoy. It does not matter what age, gender, or culture, there is a poem for everyone out there. I extremely enjoyed Sylvia Plath's poem "Metaphors", and I am sure many pregnant or previously pregnant women could identify with Sylvia. Many women must feel like "a melon strolling on two tendrils". I would recommend this poem to anyone that is pregnant, has been pregnant, or pretty much anyone at all! I shared this poem with everyone I work with, on Lowell General's Labor and Delivery Unit, and everyone delighted in realizing the writer was speaking of pregnancy.

This video is of a slam poetry night I went to when I used to live in San Diego. Anyone can relate to this situation: getting cut off by a driver in a huge car that thinks he owns the road. These two guys take a different look on when they meet with that driver again, at the gas station.

Submitted by Danielle Wentworth

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! Poetry is something everyone can enjoy, one way or another. There are so many different types, almost a something for everyone deal. "Metaphor" describes being pregnant perfectly. I can definitely relate to the feeling as if I've "eaten a bag of green apples". I would, however, trade the "melon" metaphor for something a little bigger, in my case, a beach ball full of sand :)
