Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Like this Play

I am not a big fan of plays but I truly enjoyed Oedipus The King. A plague has stricken Thebes. The citizens gather outside the palace asking their King, Oedipus to take action. Oedipus replies that he already sent his brother-in-law, Creon, to the oracle at Delphi to learn how to help the city. Creon returns with a message from the oracle: the plague will end when the murderer of Laius, former king of Thebes, is caught and expelled; the murderer is within the city. Oedipus promises to solve this mystery murder. As he is on his search to find the murder he finds out that he is the one who killed the former King Laius. At first he did not want to believe it and even wanted to exile the prophet and Creon for accusing him of murder but when he heard details of the murder it all but sounded familiar to him. When Oedipus was a prince in Corinth he heard rumors that he was not really the son of the king and queen. He then went to the oracle to seek answer, the oracle did not answer his question but did tell him that he would murder his father, sleep with his mother and bare children with her. Oedipus then fled his home and on his journey to Thebes he was confronted and harassed a group of travelers who he killed in self-defense. Well come to find out within those travelers was the former King Lauis who he killed. The truth is now all out, he finds that he was an orphan and that his real father Laius sent him away to be killed when he was an infant, his wife is actually his mother, and his children are his brother and sisters. He was very ashamed to learn of this and he stabs his eyes out and begs to be exiled to the city were he was once sent to be killed.

Submitted by Sally LaFond

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