Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Poetry Moves Us All

I think my favorite section in this class what our poetry unit. I have a very busy schedule, as I know most people do, and do not get the time to sit back and read much. I really enjoy poetry. It makes me think and analyze, as well as laugh and smile. Ogden Nash's poems are witty, funny, short & to the point. I think they are creative in a simplistic way. Other's work I admire, such as Sylvia Plath's "Metaphor". Although I did not understand it at first, once I knew the meaning it all came together. The pregnancy metaphors in the poem as well as the whole structure of the poem being a metaphor in itself. I also really enjoyed "The Road Not Taken" by Frost and Dickinson's "It Dropped So Low". I feel the reader can relate to them.

Submitted by Nicole Mason

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