Friday, July 16, 2010

The Glass Menagerie- A Comendy

When I first read "The Glass Menagerie" I have to admit, it wasn't the most interesting piece of literature I've encountered. But I decided to listen to our Professor and take his advice on listening to the audio for the play. I started listening to it and tried following along on the book. That was not a good idea - I guess they are not reading the exact words I am. I closed the book and decided to just listen to it, and was very surprised. The story was actually pretty funny! I laughed along many many many times! I loved the parts where Amanda asks Tom whre he's going and he says he's going to the movies... She starts freaking out! I guess sometimes it's good to try something a second time in a different way to see if you like it.

Submitted by Luisa DeSousa

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