Sunday, July 11, 2010

Oedipus the King

The play Oedipus the king is a read worthy drama written by a sopholos. By this master piece sopholos depicts the most tragic and unforgettable
character from the past who fell victim of his own fate. Being a reader of the play the most important characteristic of any play or drama is the tone and way of delivering the whole situation in words. In this drama Dialogue is an extremely important means of characterization here because, as a play, the thoughts and opinions of characters are conveyed largely through speech. For example, Oedipus is portrayed as arrogant because of the tone he uses when speaking to the prophet Teiresias. The way in which characters speak (such as meekly or authoritatively) reflects both their status and confidence. This makes the drama read worthy and it holds the readers’s attention quite well through out the drama. The reader knows all the aspects of the plot from the beginning but the tragedy of the character and the immense dialogues of the play holds attention of the reader who is desperate to know the next turn of the play while reading .
The whole play is interesting because of the unbelievable tragedy but it is very sad as well through the end. This play does prove as a tragic piece of work by sopholos. The only thing which I do not like in the drama is the end of it. As Oedipus was destined to kill his father and marry his mother but it was not his fault, It was his fate that is why the play should have taken some other way. Over all drama is a great piece of work I would definitely suggest people to read this drama and would like to read more work of the author.

Submitted by Kiran Sami

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