Sunday, July 11, 2010

"We are Many" but who are we?

In Pablo Nerudo's poem he touches on a lot of subjects that I deal with on a daily basis, and I think everyone else does also. He talks about how he never knows who he truly is and how he never acts in the way that he wants to. When he wants a fireman out comes an arsonist, when he calls for a hero his lazy self arrives. These are problems that I think everyone faces and deals with every day, I know that I do.

I have set certain expectations and standards for myself, even though I know that some of them are absurd and completely unattainable. I want to find a beautiful wife, get a well paying job, travel the world, get my master's, learn all about science, all about history, all about everything. I want to go skydiving, I want to swim at the great coral reef, I want to go into outer space. Some of these things will happen, others won't. I know I expect too much of myself and I know in some situations I don't act the way that I would expect myself too. However we are only humans and humans are imperfect. So we may be many but in reality we are only ourselves and what we make of our lives.
Submitted by Andrew Berard

1 comment:

  1. I understand and agree with what you wrote. I can say for myself, that I deal with these same issues. I am quite sure many others do too. It is hard to discover who we are, or to even bring out the person we may want to be. There are many things we will succeed at, but also many things we will fail at and hopefully learn from. I always try to remember that nothing is impossible, reach for the sky- even if you miss you'll land among the clouds, higher than expected.
