Friday, July 16, 2010

TO Build A Fire

I was really interested in “To build a fire” story. It shows how humans fight for their faith. It used weather and snow as the obstacles of life. The man traveled though a place that he has never been there before. The place that the weather always fought against him in his journey. But the man has never lacked of his hope. Every single match which he used represented for his faiths and his efforts to fight against his fate. He did everything to fight against the weather. Jack London wrote a good story for readers. It is boring in the beginning of the story, but it made me curious about the fate of the man when I read further. I can see that “To build A Fire” bases on our real life. Jack London somehow implied that we need to have a strong will in our life. Although the man didn’t make to the camp at the end of the story, he was satisfied with what he did. This is a good story we should read.

Submitted by Baophong Nguyen

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