Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sonny's Blues

Sonny's Blues

I found Sonny's Blues by James Balddwin and easy read that kept my interest through out the entire story. Set in the mid 20-th century, one of the many story line it brings to light is the relationship between two brothers who grew up in Harlem and how differently their lives turn out. The story is one that many can relate to, through either personal experience or knowing someone close who has. It makes you wonder how two brothers that grew up in the same environment would travel such different paths and turnout so differently. Amazingly, Baldwin manages to tell an interesting story and get his point across without the use of cursing or vulgarity and his reference to violence is minimal.I liked that the story left me with a feeling of hopefor the future of the two brothers and stressed the importance of family support. It was nice to read something that although it started out badly, ends on a positive note with the brothers coming together and seemingly committed to working on understanding each other better: a work in progress.

Submitted by Claire Doherty

I probably would read other works by this author as

well as recommend this particular story to another as

I find it has many messages to take from it.

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