Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Oedipus the King

I didn't really enjoy reading Oedipus the King. I thought it was boring, it was probably because I read it in high school and I knew what was going to happen in the play. No matter how strong and popular Oedipus may have been in the play, he couldn't have escaped his fate no matter how he wanted to think of it. Although he was raised by a different set of parents, he still ended up killing his own father and marrying his own mother. I also thought Oedipus was foolish for accusing Creon of being a traitor, because if Creon wanted to be a traitor he could have done so a long time ago instead of sticking by with Oedipus In the end, Oedipus ends up punishing himself for his doings and banishes himself from the city of Thebes. I sort of thought he didn't need to do all those punishments to himself, but I guess as a King he must keep his words. Overall, I thought this play was a bit boring. For those who read it a first time, it might have been interesting, but for me reading a third time was a bit of a pain.

Submitted by Emily Tong

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